Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013


Hey jammers :T I won't be posting for a week starting Monday staar testing :(   I'm so sorry I have no choice I will be on animal jam sometimes so you can buddy me don't forget the blog tho.

any hoo

these are my 2 favorete joke fron the contest great work you 2


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

sorry jammers

Sorry that i have not posted in a long time i mean staar is coming up and i don't want to get held back :T.

Anyhoo here are the new items i didn't post

so there are all of em jam on


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hey jammers heres todays new item the hat with a feather!

I also wanted to help some jammers that want to get to animal jam faster just click the link bellow!

www.animal jam.com

there so if you want to get there speedy quick click there :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

nice jammers

jammers today i met some very nice jammers we were  going to make a music video but that didn't go so well.

Friday, April 12, 2013

jammers look what i did all you have to do is

  1. get jays snipping tool ,snaget,or screen cast o matic
  2. take a screen shot of a jammer saying hello
  3. clip it
  4. post it on your blog and insted of saying hello jammers just type jammers

Monday, April 8, 2013

i met snowyclaw

how long she had the animal jam spirt!

how she met ghram the monkey alpha!
how she beacame beta!

snowy is so nice and awesome she was not mean to me at all by the way snowy if you ever read this blog you are awesome!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

give away

Hey jammers this is my first give away 2 jammers will get a prize i will chose and you can not beg than you get disqualified.

You will get either a beta heart locket or a zios mask!       Yes i know you can buy a zios mask but do you really want to waste money.

Hey jammers aj hq made a new wall paper for the racoon lovers!

Also animal jam made a new crystal statue this time greely.


Jabberwacky got a  new author!

She is my best friend snowyleopardfur!

Friday, April 5, 2013

crystal ghram

Hey jammers and look ghram in crystal form awesome right as you can see it costs alot so you know it is going to be in epic wonders.

Also the river race game is still not back. :(   Why did they have to get rid of it.

Spot the difernce 1 thing missing  answer:hat is gone when you dance

Look it only says octopuses are its spost to be octopuses are awesome XD animal jam made a mistake lol

Also look licorish balence beam lol


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Should more recent alphas have their characters revealed?




leave your answer in the commets

pet contest

hey jammers im having a contest here are the rules!

  1. you must send me a jam-a-gram to enter
  2. you must look like your pet
  3. you can only chose one pet

it will take place at my den on the 28th of this month it is so far away so you can think about what pet you want to do.

have fun    no cheats  no bad sports only fairness


upside down torch

Hey jammers todays returing item is the upside down torch!

I am also sorry i forgot about the awesome jammer art but here it is!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

new gem and april fools party!

Hey jammers todays new item is the dimond the new birth stone sold in epic wonders!

Plus the april fools party is back!

They also have new invisible items!

The epic seasonal tree never stops growing does it!
