Friday, July 26, 2013

Kimbara Outback Is Here

Hey jammers today Cosmo and the koalas came back with exiting news today they found (drum roll) Kimbara Outback and Kangaroos =D

And theres a new Journey Book page as well!

And for those of you that think the phantoms are cool you should get the new shirt =D

and they added a pretty cool new map too

and sorry if you notice i copy and pasted them beacause my photos aren't coming up so i can post them =T

any way Jam On

Friday, July 19, 2013

Tunnel Town!

Hey jammers long time no see mainly cuz i've been playing ROBLOX most of the time if you play tell me your user and i can add u!

Any way tunneltown its finaly here!(if you all ready had it like in the times it came around in Canada you don have to read this if you don have it you should read again if you don't you can skip)

Its really cool you can breed and buy bunnies and if you get it this weekend 18-21 you get the sparkly cute


cute right

now the new item is a freind ship braclet give one to your best friend today =D

and the new adventure "phantom portal" its a little harder beacause they actully wilt the chomer plants or venus fly traps.

well thats it Jam On!